Solid State and Materials Chemistry
MA2PbI2SCN2-v6 Image.png


Our Focus

The inter-disciplinary research of our group centers on the synthesis and characterization of compounds with potential applications as energy materials including photovoltaic (PV) and photocatalytic materials, light-emitting diodes (LEDs), and photodetectors.

Our group aims to bridge chemistry, crystallography and synthesis with physics, engineering and application of functional (e.g., energy) materials. Specifically, our group focuses on synthesis of novel materials (hybrid organic-inorganic materials, chalcogenides etc.), characterization of their crystal and electronic structures, and physical properties, and if warranted, their performance in actual devices (e.g., in solar cell devices).

We are a part of the Oklahoma Photovoltaic Research Institute, an OU, TU & OSU collaborative effort on research and education on PVs.

Most Recent Publication

“This or that” - light emission from hybrid organic-inorganic vs. coordination cu(I) halides

Dilruba A. Popy and Bayram Saparov* J. Mater. Chem. C. 2025, 13, 521-560.


Saparov Lab News

03/2025 Zheng Zhang's paper on “Investigation of the roles of metal halide additives used for the preparation of metal halide semiconductors” has just been accepted for publication in European Journal of Inorganic Chemistry. Congrats, Zheng!

01/2025 Sania Fiaz joined our lab as a rotation student. Welcome!

12/2024 We were honored to host Dr. Jing Li from Rutgers University for the Karcher Seminar, where she delivered an insightful talk on “Hybrid Copper Halides: Designer Materials for Solid-State Lighting Technology”. Her expertise and engaging talk provided valuable perspectives on this emerging field.

12/2024 Dilruba Popy's review paper on “This or That” – Light Emission from Hybrid Organic-Inorganic vs Coordination Cu(I) Halides" has just been accepted for publication in Journal of Materials Chemistry C. Congrats, Dilruba!

11/2024 Hamza successfully cleared his preliminary exam. Congratulations Hamza!

11/2024 Congratulations to Muhammad for clearing his preliminary exam, onward to greater achievements!

10/2024 We are pleased to welcome Anne Martin to our lab as a rotation student. Welcome Anne!

8/2024 Dilruba Popy received the “Best Graduate Student Poster Award” at the Annual Student Research Poster Day of the Department of Chemistry and Biochemistry. Congrats!

6/2024 As a part of the NSF-funded Research Experience for Teachers (NSF-RET) program at OU, we are hosting Kurt Kaya and Hakan Tasdemir this summer. Welcome, Kurt and Hakan!

06/2024 Kanika Parashar's paper on "Structural and Physical properties of two distinct 2D lead halides with intercalated Cu(II)" has just been accepted for publication in Journal of Materials Chemistry C. Congrats, Kanika!

05/2024 Dilruba Popy's paper on "Stimuli-responsive Photoluminescent Copper(I) Halides for Scintillation, Anticounterfeiting and LED Applications" has just been accepted for publication in Aggregate. Congrats, Dilruba!

05/2024 Kanika and Tamanna have successfully passed their Candidacy Exam. Congratulations!

04/2024 Saparov lab participated in the "Oklahoma Photovoltaic Research Institute Symposium 2024".

04/2024 Kanika was this year's recipient of the Jerry J. Zuckerman Scholarship from the Department of Chemistry at OU. Congrats!

04/2024 Dilruba Popy and Prof. Saparov visited the local Noble High School and Dove Science Academy High School as a part of the NSF-funded Research Experience for High School Students (REHSS) program. The meeting included experiment demonstrations and discussions about the research internship opportunities at OU. We thank them for hosting us.

04/2024 Dr. Saparov claimed the title of "Wittiest Award Winner" at the Department of Chemistry and Biochemistry's Annual Awards Banquet. Congratulations, sir!

04/2024 Former Saparov group members Isaiah Gilley (now at Northwestern University) and Abby Cardoza (now at Colorado School of Mines) informed us that they won the NSF Graduate Research Fellowship and the National Defense Science and Engineering Graduate (NDSEG) Fellowship, respectively. Congratulations, Isaiah and Abby!

03/2024 Muhammad Sani Muhammad officially joined our lab as graduate student. Welcome!

03/2024 Dr. Saparov presented a Chemistry Seminar titled "High-efficiency Light Emission in New Copper(I) Halides" at Missouri S&T.

02/2024 Dr. Saparov had the pleasure of hosting Professor Jeffrey Long from the University of California, Berkeley for the Karcher Seminar. Thank you for the visit, Prof. Long!

01/2024 Muhammad Sani Muhammad joined our lab as a rotation student. Welcome!

01/2024 Tamanna Pinky's first paper in our group on the new compounds [(CH3)3SO]M2I3 (M = Cu, Ag) has just been accepted for publication in Inorganic Chemistry. Congrats, Tamanna!

01/2024 Happy New Year!

12/2023 Runa and Hamza officially joined our lab as graduate students. Welcome!

11/2023 Saparov lab took part in poster presentations during the "Functional Inorganic Chemistry Symposium." Tamanna Pinky secured the first prize poster award. Congrats!

11/2023 Prof. Saparov organized a symposium on "Functional Inorganic Chemistry" during the Southwest Regional Meeting in 2023 (SWRM'23), hosted at the Omni Hotel in Oklahoma City.

10/2023 Prof. Saparov delivered a research seminar at distinguished KU Leuven (Belgium) on October 27, 2023.

10/2023 Zheng Zhang's paper titled as "Crystal Growth, Structural and Electronic Characterizations of Zero-Dimensional Metal Halide (TEP)InBr4 Single crystals for X-Ray Detection" has been officially accepted for publication in Journal of Materials Chemistry C and is now available online. Congratulations!

10/2023 Dilruba Popy has been selected for the Dodge Family College of Arts and Sciences (DFCAS) Graduate Fellowship. Congratulations!

10/2023 Prof. Saparov gave a research talk at University of Hasselt (Belgium).

9/2023 Kanika successfully cleared her Preliminary examination, setting the stage for her journey to success. Congrats!

9/2023 Gokce Altincekic, Hamza Shoukat, and Runa Farzana Akter joined our lab for their first rotation projects. Welcome!

8/2023 Dr. Saparov travelled to the Department of Chemistry at Tulane University to give a departmental seminar 'Ultrabright Light Emission Properties of Copper(I) Halides'.

7/2023 Dr. Saparov attended the DOE PI meeting and gave a presentation titled 'Investigations of the Solution Chemistry of Metal Halides for New Materials Synthesis'.

6/2023 Kanika won the best graduate student poster award in the annual Student Research Poster Day of the Department of Chemistry and Biochemistry. Congrats!

5/2023 Dhritiman's paper on zero-dimensional broadband yellow light emitter (TMS)3Cu2I5 has now been accepted for publication at ACS Applied Materials & Interfaces. Congrats!

5/2023 Dilruba was this year's recipient of the Jerry J. Zuckerman Scholarship from the Department of Chemistry at OU. Congrats, Dilruba!

5/2023 Abby graduated with a bachelor's degree in Chemistry and will head to Colorado School of Mines for graduate school studies. Congratulations and best of luck in future endeavors!

4/2023 Saparov lab travelled to Northeastern State University to attend the 2023 OKPVRI symposium and give oral and poster presentations. Tamanna Pinky received a poster award. Congrats!

4/2023 Zheng's book chapter on charge carrier mobility of metal halide perovskites has now been published in the book "Metal-Halide Perovskite Semiconductors: From Physical Properties to Opto-electronic Devices and X-ray Sensors". Congrats!

4/2023 On the 18th of April, we hosted students and teachers from the Odyssey Leadership Academy in Oklahoma City. We had cool science demonstrations, lab and research facilities tour, and a presentation from Prof. Saparov on STEM education and research opportunities at OU.

4/2023 Prof. Saparov attended the 2023 MRS Spring meeting in San Francisco. There, he gave an invited talk titled "Solution Preparation of Optical and Electronic Metal Halides". This project is supported by our US DOE grant.

4/2023 S. Avery Vigil, a former undergraduate researcher who is currently a graduate student at Duke University has been selected for the NSF Graduate Research Fellowship Program (GRFP). Congrats!

3/2023 Dhritiman's perspective article on ultrabright light emission properties of all-inorganic and hybrid organic-inorganic copper(I) halides has been accepted for publication in Chemistry of Materials. Congrats!

3/2023 Dilruba Popy's paper on intermolecular arrangement facilitated broadband blue emission of group-12 metal (Zn, Cd) hybrid halides has been accepted for publication in Materials Today Chemistry. Congrats!

3/2023 Dove Virtual Academy students visited the Saparov Lab. We had a fun day of demonstrations and presentation about research internship opportunities at OU.

3/2023 Our group's collaborative work with Prof. Nair from UT El Paso on the magnetic properties of olivine chalcogenides Mn2SiX4 (X = S, Se) has been published in Dalton Transactions. Congrats to the team!

3/2023 Dilruba Popy and Prof. Saparov visited the local Noble High School as a part of the NSF-funded Research Experience for High School Students (REHSS) program. The meeting included experiment demonstrations and discussions about the research internship opportunities at OU. We thank our former student Chris Worley for hosting us.

2/2023 A US Patent appliction by Prof. Bayram Saparov, Tielyr D. Creason, Rachel M. Roccanova, Aymen Yangui has now been granted and published online (publication no. US 11591516 B2). Congrats to the team!

2/2023 Prof. Hanno zur Loye from the University of South Carolina visited OU to give a seminar. Thank you for the visit, Prof. zur Loye!

12/2022 Kanika and Tamanna officially joined our lab as graduate students. Welcome!

12/2022 Farewell and all the best to Tielyr and Dhritiman, who left the group and will join Sandia National Lab and UT-Dallas respectively!

11/2022 A team of 4th graders from the local Roosevelt Elementary visited our lab. They had lots of interesting energy materials and technologies questions for Prof. Saparov.

10/2022 Prof. David Mitzi from Duke University visited OU to give a Karcher seminar. Thank you for the visit, Prof. Mitzi!

10/2022 Sohom Chandra and Lamia Hidayatova joined our lab for their second rotation projects. Welcome!

10/2022 Tielyr's paper on stabilized photoemission from organic molecules in 0D hybrid Zn and Cd halides has now been accepted for publication in Inorganic Chemistry Frontiers. Congrats, Tielyr!

9/2022 Inju Snyder and her students from Fletcher High School visited our lab. We showed hands on experiments and talked about college education and undergraduate research.

9/2022 Dilruba Popy's first paper has now been accepted for publication in the Journal of Solid State Chemistry. This work discusses electronic structures and optical properties of (Ph4P)MX2 (M = Cu, Ag; X = Cl, Br). Congrats, Dilruba!

9/2022 Kazi Asma, Tamanna Pinky and Kanika Parashar joined our lab for their first rotation project. Welcome!

8/2022 Zheng, Dhritiman, Tielyr and Dilruba presented their recent work on luminescent metal halides at ACS Fall 2022 meeting.

8/2022 Zheng's work on the solution chemistry of the MA-In-Br system is now published online by Inorganic Chemistry (ACS). Congrats, Zheng!

7/2022 Prof. Saparov and Tielyr traveled to Colby-Sawyer College GRC Solid State Chemistry. They met old friends and made new friends there, and gave oral and poster presentations.

6/2022 Dr. Saparov published a Highlight in Chemical Reviews on next generation thin-film solar absorbers based on chalcogenides. Congrats, Dr. Saparov!

6/2022 As a part of the NSF-funded Research Experience for Teachers (NSF-RET) program at OU, we are hosting Inju Snyder and Heather Sims this summer. Welcome, Inju and Heather!

5/2022 Tielyr has received the Sherril D. Christian Scholarship award. This is a prestigious and competitive award given to select graduate students based on their outstanding research accomplishments. Congrats, Tielyr!

5/2022 Bayram and Tielyr attend the MRS Spring Meeting to give talks on photoluminescent metal halides. It was fun meeting old friends and making some new ones.

5/2022 Our senior graduate student Tielyr has received the Dodge Family Finishing Fellowship award. This is a prestigious and competitive award. Congrats, Tielyr!

4/2022 After considering offers from some of the top chemistry PhD programs in the nation, our undergraduate researchers Max and Isaiah have finally made their decisions. Max and Isaiah, best of luck at Duke and Northwestern, respectively!

4/2022 Dilruba, Tielyr and Dr. Saparov attended the Oklahoma PV Research Institute Symposium, where Tielyr won the best poster award. Congrats, Tielyr!

4/2022 We virtually hosted Prof. Hema Karunadasa from Stanford as a Karcher seminar speaker. Thanks for the interesting talk!

4/2022 We visited Dove Science Academy High School in Oklahoma City as a part of our REHSS outreach program. We hope the high schoolers enjoyed our visit and they will participate in our summer research intership program.

3/2022 We had fun hosting Prof. Svilen Bobev, who visited OU and our group for a seminar.

1/2022 Tiffany Zheng officially joined our lab as a FYRE undergraduate students. Welcome!

1/2022 Dilruba Popy officially joined our lab as a graduate students. Welcome!

1/2022 Our undergrad student Max McWhorter's paper on new hybrid group 12 metal halides has now been accepted for publication by the European Journal of Inorganic Chemistry to be published in a Special Collection titled EurJIC talents. This work has been selected as a Very Important Paper (VIP) by the Editors. Congrats, Max!

12/2021 Dr. Dhritiman Banerjee joined our group as a postdoc. Welcome!

12/2021 Zheng's paper on the physical properties of candidate X-ray detector material Rb4Ag2BiBr9 has now been accepted for publication by Crystal Growth & Design. Congrats!

10/2021 Carly Wickizer joined our lab as a rotation graduate students. Welcome!

9/2021 Tielyr and Pawan's paper on photoluminescence properties and anti-counterfeiting applications of A2AgX3 has now been published online by Adv. Funct. Mater. Congrats!

8/2021 Dilruba Popy, Samin Anjum, Matt Atteberry and Cheng Liu joined our lab as rotation graduate students. Welcome!

8/2021 The 2021 REHSS program has concluded for this summer. We thank the participating students.

7/2021 A perspective article by Drs. Zheng Zhang and Bayram Saparov on charge carrier mobility of halide perovskites is now published online by Applied Physics Letters.

6/2021 Our collaborative work with Kim group at OSU-Tulsa on preparation of high-efficiency LEDs based on CsCu2I3 has now been published online by ACS Energy Letters.

6/2021 Tielyr, Hadiah, Isaiah, and Max have successfully published their paper on ammonium silver halides in ACS Materials Au. Congrats, everyone!

6/2021-Nancy Wang has joined the group as a high school researcher. Welcome, Nancy!

4/2021-Dr. Saparov attended the 2021 MRS Spring Meeting to present an invited talk. Tielyr presented at this meeting, too.

4/2021-Dr. Saparov organized a symposium honoring Prog. David Mitzi at the ACS Spring 2021 National Meeting.

4/2021-Tielyr presented at the ACS Spring 2021 National Meeting.

4/2021-Max was selected for the John Liang award for Outstanding Undergraduate Research. Congrats, Max!

4/2021-Tielyr was selected for the Lloyd E. Swearingen Scholarship on the basis of his outstanding performance in research. Congrats, Tielyr!

4/2021-Hadiah passed her PhD qualification exam. Congrats, Hadiah!

3/2021-Dr. Saparov and Tielyr presented their recent work on luminescent metal halides at the 2021 SPIE Photonics West conference.

2/2021-Congrats to Prof. Saparov for being named one of the recipients of the NSF CAREER Award.

1/2021-Hadiah and Tielyr's paper on luminescence properties of a new hybrid indium bromide has now been published by Inorganic Chemistry (ACS). Congrats, Hadiah and Tielyr!

1/2021-Zheng Zhang officially joins our group as a postdoc. Welcome, Zheng!

12/2020-Brett officially joined our group as a graduate student. Welcome, Brett!

10/2020-Our student Hadiah Fattal won the best oral talk award at the Moscow Autumn Perovskite Photovoltaics International Conference (MAPPIC-2020). Congrats, Hadiah!

10/2020-Isaiah joined the group as an undergraduate researcher. Welcome, Isaiah!

10/2020-The Saparov group participated in the Moscow Autumn Perovskite Photovoltaics International Conference (MAPPIC-2020). Some very interesting talks from some very respected leaders in the field.

8/2020-Brett Evans joins the lab for his first rotation project. Welcome, Brett!

7/2020-Our student Hadiah Fattal passed her preliminary examination toward her PhD. Congrats, Hadiah!

6/2020-Congrats to Prof. Saparov for being named one of the recipients of the 2020 DOE Early Career Award.

6/2020-Tielyr's paper on preparation, and photoluminescence and radioluminescence properties of K2CuX3 (X = Cl, Br) has been accepted for publication by Chemistry of Materials (ACS). Congrats, Tielyr!

5/2020-Tielyr is the recipient of the 2020 Roger E. Frech Scholarship from OU Chemistry. Congrats, Tielyr!

3/2020-Manila's paper on additive assisted synthesis of (CH3NH3)4Bi6I22 has now been published online in Inorganic Chemistry Frontiers. Congrats, Manila!

2/2020-Dr. Pawan Kumar joined our group as a postdoc. Welcome, Pawan!

1/2020-Tielyr's front cover article on Rb2CuX3 (X = Cl, Br) has now been published in the January issue of Advanced Optical Materials. The cover image poster is also on our group posterboard. Congrats, Tielyr!

1/2020-Allison Palmer will continue her undergraduate research in our lab in Spring 2020. Welcome, Allison!

12/2019-Hadiah Fattal officially joins our group as a graduate students. Welcome, Hadiah!

12/2019-Tielyr's paper on one-dimensional all-inorganic copper halides Rb2CuX3 (X = Cl, Br) has been selected for the front cover of Advanced Optical Materials. Congrats, Tielyr!

10/2019-Stephanie Hayes and Hadiah Fattal joined the lab as rotation students. Welcome, Stephanie and Hadiah!

10/2019-Tielyr's paper on one-dimensional all-inorganic copper halides Rb2CuX3 (X = Cl, Br) has been accepted for publication by Advanced Optical Materials. Congrats, Tielyr!

9/2019-Dan Chen joins our group as a rotation graduate student. Welcome, Dan!

9/2019-Rachel and Aymen's paper on bright luminescence from the nontoxic copper halides CsCu2X3 (X = Cl, Br, I) has now been published online by ACS Materials Letters. Congrats, Rachel and Aymen!

8/2019-Aymen's paper on luminescent properties of a new lead halide compound has now been published online by The Journal of Physical Chemistry C. Congrats, Aymen!

7/2019-Chris and Bayram attended the Discovery Camp program aimed at encouraging kids aged 12-18 to pursue a career in STEAM (Science, Technology, Engineering, Art and Math) fields of study. It was a lot of fun interacting with kids and doing science experiments together.

7/2019-Our first PhD student, Rachel Roccanova has defended. Congrats, Rachel!

7/2019- We have concluded our summer REHSS program with a poster symposium organized together with the FYRE program. We thank the 2019 participants Elise, Chris and Ben.

6/2019- We welcome the 2019 summer high school research interns Ben and Elise to our lab.

6/2019- Bayram presented an invited talk at the New Mexico American Vacuum Society meeting.

5/2019- Chris' paper on low bandgap hybrid organic-inorganic gold halides has now been published online by Chemistry - A European Journal. Congrats, Chris!

5/2019- Hari's paper on the magnetic properties of Mn2SiS4-Mn2SiSe4 olivines has now been published online by Physical Review B (PRB). Congrats, Hari!

5/2019- We attended the OU commencement night with our first doctoral graduate, Rachel Roccanova. Good luck with your future career, Rachel!

5/2019- We had our annual inorganic chemistry barbecue day. It was a blast!

4/2019- Manila was this year's recipient of the Zuckerman Scholarship from the Dept. of Chemistry at OU. Congrats, Manila!

4/2019- Rachel and Tielyr won the best poster and oral presentation awards, respectively, at the annual Oklahoma PV Research Insttitute Symposium. Congrats, Rachel and Tielyr!

4/2019- Aymen's paper on excellent light emission properties of 4-Aminopyridinium based halides of group 12 metals has now been published online by Chemistry of Materials (ACS). Congrats, Aymen!

4/2019- Bayram and Chris travel to Dove Science Academy in Oklahoma City as a part of the Research Experience for High School Students program. Great to see raw curiosity in students' eyes!

4/2019- Our students Rachel Roccanova and Tielyr Creason won the best poster and oral presentation awards, respectively, at the Oklahoma Photovoltaic Research Institute Meeting in Tulsa, Oklahoma. Congrats, Rachel and Tielyr!

4/2019- The Saparov group attended the Oklahoma Photovoltaic Research Institute Meeting in Tulsa, Oklahoma. Thanks for organizing the symposium and hosting us, Dr. DoYoung-Kim!

4/2019- Bayram travels to Orlando, Florida, to give an invited talk at the 2019 American Chemical Society Spring National Meeting. It was great to meet some old friends and make new friends!

3/2019-Chris and Bayram travel to Oklahoma High Schools for chemistry workshops as a part of the Research Experience for High School Students program at OU.

3/2019-Rachel's paper reporting a near-unity photoluminescence quantum yield in blue-emitting Cs3Cu2Br5–xIx (0 ≤ x ≤ 5) is now published online in ACS Appl. Electron. Mater. Congrats, Rachel!

2/2019-Manila's paper on Rb4Ag2BiBr9 is now published in Inorg. Chem. Congrats, Manila!

12/2018-Rachel's paper on broadband white-light emitting hybrid halides of group 12 metals is now published in ACS Omega. Congrats, Rachel!

11/2018-Our graduate students Chris and Manila successfully passed their preliminary examinations. Congrats, Chris and Manila!

11/2018-Bayram attended the Fall MRS Meeting, where he presented Rachel's research on broadband white light emitting halides.

10/2018-Our collaborative paper on Zintl antimonides with Prof. Bobev has now been published in Materials as a part of the Special Issue Advances in Zintl Phases.

10/2018-Tielyr Creason and Michael McCoy join the lab as rotation graduate students. Welcome, Tielyr and Michael!

9/2018-Bayram travels back to the University of Delaware to give an Inorg. Chem. seminar. Great to visit my Alma Mater again!

9/2018-Our new postdoc Aymen Yangui joins the lab. Welcome, Aymen!

9/2018-Bayram makes "Chemistry of Color" science presentation and demonstration for elementary school kids (Roosevelt Elementary). Great fun to interact with the kids and show how cool science can be.

9/2018-Madison Jones joins the lab as a rotation graduate student. Welcome, Madison!

8/2018-The 2018 REHSS program is concluded with a group lunch. We hope Jade, Rosa and Elizabeth enjoyed their summer research experience with us.

7/2018-Bayram and Rachel attend the Gordon Research Conference in Solid State Chemistry at Colby-Sawyer College. It was a lot of fun!

6/2018-Our collaborative study with ORNL on luminescence mechanisms in 0D halides (led by Mao-Hua Du) has now been published in the J. Mater. Chem. C.

6/2018-Jordan Zimmerman and Rosa SanRoman join our lab as summer undergraduate researchers. Welcome, Jordan and Rosa!

6/2018-Jade Sonntag and Elizabeth Bradshaw join our lab as summer high school researchers through the REHSS program. Welcome, Jade and Elizabeth!

5/2018-Rachel and Bayram travel to ORNL to meet the collaborators.

4/2018-Rachel is the recipient of the 2018 Roger E. Frech Scholarship awarded by the Dept. of Chemistry at OU. Congrats, Rachel!

4/2018-Rachel, Chris and Bayram traveled to OSU for the Oklahoma PV Research Institute Symposium. Rachel gave an oral talk and won the best oral presentation award. Chris presented a poster, and Bayram participated as a judge.

4/2018-Our undergraduate students Avery Vigil and Sam Bayliff have presented their results at the National Conference on Undergraduate Research (NCUR) meeting.

4/2018-Rachel and Bayram attend the 2018 MRS Spring Meeting in Phoenix to present our latest results, to organize a symposium and chair sessions. It was a great trip, we made exciting new connections!

3/2018-Hari's paper on earth-abundant chalcogenide semiconductors has now been published in the Journal of Alloys and Compounds. Congrats, Hari!

3/2018-Rachel and Bayram travel to the 2018 ACS Spring National Meeting in New Orleans to present our latest results. We met some familiar faces and made new connections.

3/2018-Bayram's collaborative paper with the ORNL team has now been published in the Journal of Physics: Condensed Matter. Congrats, Yan!

2/2018-Manila Sharma joins the group as a rotation PhD student. Welcome, Manila!

2/2018-Chris and Bayram travel to the NASA Glenn Research Center as the recipients of the NASA Travel Grant. We are hopeful that this will be a start of a successful collaboration.

1/2018-Max McWhorter joins our group as a freshman FYRE research student. Welcome, Max!

11/2017-Hari's paper on hybrid imidazolium halides of mercury, (HIm)2Hg3Cl8 and (HIm)HgI3, has now been published in the Journal of Solid State Chemistry. Congrats, Hari!

11/2017-Our first paper on MA2CdX4 (X = Cl, Br and I) has now been published in Inorganic Chemistry. Congrats, Rachel!

10/2017-Chris Worley, Yixiao Li and Aayushi Chatterji join the group as rotation graduate students. Welcome, Chris, Yixiao and Aayushi!

10/2017-A study on Sr2MnBi2 and Ba2Mn1–xBi2 (x ≈ 0.15) compounds is published (from UDel) with Bayram as a co-author in Inorganic Chemistry.

09/2017-Bayram is a co-author on a chalcogenide thin-film PV paper (from Duke) that is now published in Chemistry of Materials.

08/2017-Austin Knight and Anae Bain join the group as rotation graduate students. Welcome, Anae and Austin!

08/2017-Logan Maltz joins the group as an undergraduate research student. Welcome, Logan!

08/2017-Bayram presents Rachel's work on multinary halides for scintillator applications at the North American Solid State Chemistry Conference (NASSCC) at UCSB.

06/2017-Bayram receives the Ralph E. Powe Junior Faculty Enhancement Award from ORAU (Oak Ridge Associated Universities).

06/2017-Rachel presents her work on hybride halide scintillator materials at the Midwest Organic Solid State Chemistry Symposium XXVII. Good job, Rachel!

06/2017-Bayram's review paper (from Duke) on earth-abundant chalcogenide PV is now published in Adv. Energy Mater.

06/2017-Bryce Jackson and Gavin Hetzler join the group as high school students for summer internship. Welcome, Bryce and Gavin!

05/2017-Avery has received the 2017 van der Helm Undergraduate Research Award. Congrats, Avery!

05/2017-Dillon won the best poster award in the FYRE poster session. Congrats, Dillon!

05/2017-Dr. Hariharan Nhalil joins the group as a postdoc. Welcome, Hari!

04/2017-Rachel gives an oral presentation at the 2017 NASA Energy Symposium. Good job, Rachel!

04/2017-Jacob Snyder (Chem. Eng.) joins the group as an undergraduate researcher. Welcome, Jacob!

03/2017-Bayram receives the FY17 Junior Faculty Fellowship Award.

03/2017-Ben Watkins joins the group as a PhD student. Welcome, Ben!

01/2017-Krysta Colahan (from Physics) and Dillon Doss (from Chem. Eng.) join our lab as undergraduate FYRE (First Year Research Experience) students. Welcome, Krysta and Dillon!

12/2016-Bayram's work (from Duke) on excitonic properties of a 2D hybrid perovskite is now published online in Adv. Mater.

10/2016-Bayram's work (from ORNL) on neo magnets is published in J. Magn. Magn. Mater.

8/2016-Rachel joins the group as a PhD student. Welcome, Rachel!

8/2016-Bayram joins the Chemistry Department at OU.