Solid State and Materials Chemistry



Iftar dinner at bayram’s residence (march 2025)

We had a delightful Iftar dinner at Bayram’s residence, enjoyed great food, wonderful company and lots of fun conversations!

Dilruba popy’s research paper highlighted at ou news (January 2025)

Popy’s research paper, featured in OU News, explores the unexpected role of copper in enabling efficient green lighting. The study highlights an innovative advancement in the field of sustainable light emitting materials.

Hosted dr. jing li from rutgers university for an insightful talk on hybrid copper halides (December 2024)

Honored to host the esteemed Prof. Dr. Jing Li from Rutgers University for an inspiring talk on “Hybrid Copper Halides: Designer Materials For Solid-State Lighting Technology”. A remarkable session filled with groundbreaking insights and innovative ideas.

Dilruba receives the best graduate student poster award (august 2024)

Dilruba received the “Best Graduate Student Poster Award” at the Annual Student Research Poster Day of the Department of Chemistry and Biochemistry. Congrats!

hosted high school teachers for NSF-RET Program (June-july 2024)

We had a great time working with Mr. Kurt Kaya and Hakan Tasdemir for RET Summer Project on “Investigation of New Perovskite Materials for LEDs and Energy-Saving Applications”.

kanika receives the zuckerman award (may 2024)

Kanika has been awarded the Jerry J. Zuckerman Scholarship award by the Department of Chemistry and Biochemistry at OU for 2024. This prestigious award is given to an exceptional graduate student in organometallic or inorganic chemistry. Congrats Kanika!

iftar dinner at bayram’s residence (march 2024)

We had an Iftar dinner at Bayram’s residence. It was a lot of fun with delicious food and nice chat!

Saparov’s lab members participated in poster presentation competition at swrm’23 (november 2023)

Saparov’s group members participated in the poster presentation competition at Southwest Regional Meeting 2023. It was a great experience.

tamanna receives the best poster award at swrm’23 (november 2023)

Tamanna achieved the First position and won the prize in the poster presentation competition within the “Functional Inorganic Chemistry” symposium. Congratulations!

southwest regional meeting (november 2023)

The Saparov Lab participated in the Southwest Regional Meeting 2023 (SWRM’23) held at the Omni Hotel in Oklahoma City. During the event, Dr. Saparov coordinated a symposium focussed on “Functional Inorganic Chemistry”.

pizza party (september 2023)

We had a group lunch to farewell our post-doc Zheng and welcomed a new generation of rotation students.

kanika receives the best graduate student poster award (june 2023)

Kanika received the “Best Graduate Student Poster Award” in the annual Student Research Poster Day of the Department of Chemistry and Biochemistry. Congrats!

dilruba receives the zuckerman award (may 2023)

Dilruba is the 2023 recipient of the Jerry J. Zuckerman Scholarship award from the Department of Chemistry and Biochemistry at OU. This is a competitive award given to an outstanding graduate student in organometallic or inorganic chemistry. Congrats, Dilruba!

saparov’s group attended the 2023 okpvri symposium (april 2023)

We travelled to Northeastern State University (Broken Arrow, OK) to attend the 2023 OKPVRI symposium and give oral and poster presentations. It was a lot of fun meeting old friends and making new friends!

friday dinner at bayram’s residence (april 2023)

We had a group dinner at Bayram’s residence. It was a lot of fun with delicious food and nice chat!

Dilruba popy’s another ultra bright light-emitting crystal (December 2022)

Popy has grown another cm-sized crystal of new hybrid material that emits ultra-bright orange color under UV-excitation.

saparov’s group attend the acs fall meeting (august 2022)

Popy, Zheng, Tielyr, and Dhritiman presented poster on our most recent results on luminescent metal halides. They had much fun in Chicago :)

Dilruba popy’s high-efficiency light-emitting crystals (august 2022)

Popy has grown cm-sized crystals of a new hybrid material that emits bright green color under UV excitation.


Gordon research Conference solid state chemistry (july 2022)

Our senior graduate student Tielyr Creason and Bayram traveled to Colby-Sawyer College to attend the GRC SSC. There, they met the Bobev crew (see photo to the left).


the Sherril D. Christian Scholarship award for Tielyr (May 2022)

Our senior graduate student Tielyr Creason received the Sherril D. Christian Scholarship, one of the premier awards in the Department of Chemistry and Biochemistry at OU. Tielyr is recognized on the basis of his outstanding performance in research.


Bayram and Tielyr attend the mrs spring meeting (May 2022)

Bayram and Tielyr gave oral talks on our most recent results on high-efficiency light emitters based on copper and silver halides. They had much fun in Hawaii :)


Carl Van Buskirk and Jeff Jackson - retirement celebration (May 2022)

Carl and Jeff, the staff members of the Electronics and Machine Shop at OU Department of Chemistry retired this week. Thank you for helping us build and maintain our research labs, and enjoy the retirement!


Oklahoma PV research institute SYMPOSIUM (April 2022)

The OKPVRI Symposium held in Norman, OK, was a lot of fun. Great lineup of speakers, good food and even better discussions. Furthermore, our student Tielyr Creason won the best poster award. Congrats, Tielyr!


A Special Visit from Dr. Svilen Bobev (March 2022)

Bayram’s Ph.D. advisor, Dr. Svilen Bobev, visited OU from the University of Delaware to give a talk to the Inorganic Division.


A tour with Dr. Svilen Bobev (March 2022)

More from the visit of Dr. Svilen Bobev.


pIZZA cELEBRATION (September 2021)

We celebrated the publication of multiple papers in quick succession and welcomed a new generation of rotation students.


Hideaway group Lunch (July 2021)

We celebrated Nancy’s work and saw her off at the end of her internship with the group.


New Hybrid hALIDE crystal (June 2021)

Max has grown beautiful crystals of a new hybrid material of interest for solar and detection applications.

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Vast group lunch (May 2021)

We celebrated the end of the semester and Hadiah’s passing of the PhD qualification exam at Vast (OKC). Congrats, Hadiah!


after our group lunch to celebrate the NSF career award (February 2021)

We had a group lunch to celebrate Dr. Saparov’s NSF CAREER Award. Congrats, Dr. Saparov!


Tielyr’s colorful crystals (june 2020)

Tielyr is studying his solution-grown crystals of copper halides.

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Group photo with Dr. Julia chan (February 2020)

We hosted Dr. Julia Chan (UT Dallas) for an inorganic chemistry seminar.


welcoming dr. pawan kumar (February 2020)

A small welcome party for our new postdoc Dr. Pawan Kumar. Welcome, Pawan!


Saparov lab group meeting/breakfast (January 2020)

We had our first official group meeting in 2020 over a breakfast. It was an enjoyable group meeting. Thanks, everyone!


Hadiah’s crystals (December 2019)

Our new grad student Hadiah Fattal has developed a way to grow cm-sized crystals of brand new hybrid halide materials. Great job, Hadiah!


welcoming dr. Kauzlarich as a karcher speaker at OU (October 2019)

Dr. Susan Kauzlarich (UC Davis) visited OU Chemistry as one of our 2019 Karcher Seminar speakers. Thanks for the visit!

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some more beautiful crystals (August 2019)

Our PhD students Tielyr Creason and Manila Sharma grew beautiful crystals.


doctoral hooding ceremony at the 2019 ou commencement (May 2019)

Our first PhD student, Rachel Roccanova, is graduating. We are proud of you, Rachel!


annual inorganic chemistry barbecue day (May 2019)

Our annual Inorganic Chemistry Barbecue Day at the Saparov residence was a lot of fun.

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Manila receives the zuckerman Award (April 2019)

Manila is the 2019 recipient of the Jerry J. Zuckerman Scholarship awarded to an outstanding graduate student in organometallic or inorganic chemistry. Congrats, Manila!


Oklahoma PV research institute SYMPOSIUM (April 2019)

The OKPVRI Symposium in Tulsa, OK, was a lot of fun. Furthermore, our students Rachel Roccanova and Tielyr Creason won best poster and oral presentation awards, respectively.

A group picture with our plenary speaker Joey Luther (NREL), Ian Sellers (Physics, OU), and the symposium organizer DoYoung Kim (Materials Engineering, OSU-Tulsa).

The Saparov Lab members at the OKPVRI Symposium in Tulsa, OK.


Manila's crystals

Our graduate student Manila grew cm-sized crystals of a brand new compound. In the next step, she plans to characterize their properties.


group lunch at buffalo wild wings (September 2018)

We welcomed our new postdoc, Dr. Aymen Yangui, to our group at Buffalo Wild Wings.

Chemistry of color demonstrations at local schools (September 2018)

Bayram has been touring local elementary schools with his “Chemistry of Color” science presentation and experiments. The kids and their teachers enjoyed it very much, so did Bayram.


Group lunch at Pepe's (July 2018)

We had our summer group lunch at Pepe's together with our summer research students who joined the team through the Research Experience for High School Students (REHSS) and Four Year Research Experience (FYRE) programs.


Rachel is awarded the Roger E. Frech Scholarship (April 2018)

Rachel is the 2018 recipient of the Roger E. Frech Scholarship awarded for high quality research in physical, inorganic or materials chemistry. Congrats, Rachel!


First annual inorganic barbecue day (April 2018)

We had our first Annual Inorganic Barbecue Day in the Saparov residence. Everyone seemed to enjoy 4 different kinds of barbecues. We hope to make this a tradition.


oklahoma pv research institute symposium (April 2018)

Chris and Rachel presented at the Oklahoma PV Research Institute symposium in Stillwater, OK. Rachel won the best oral presentation award. Congrats, Rachel!

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National Conference on Undergraduate Research (April 2018)

Avery and Sam presented their large crystal growth results at the NCUR conference. Way to go, Avery and Sam! 


Bayram and Rachel attend the 2018 MRS spring meeting (April 2018)

Rachel presented her latest research results on halides at the 2018 Materials Research Society Spring meeting in Phoenix, AZ. Bayram was organizing a symposium (EN15, "Novel Materials Physics of Perovskite Semiconductors") and chairing sessions.

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Bayram and Rachel attend the 2018 ACS spring meeting (march 2018)

Bayram and Rachel presented our latest research results on multinary halides at the 2018 American Chemical Society Spring meeting in New Orleans, LA. It was nice to meet old friends and make new connections.


Rachel is presenting her work on hybrid halides of group 12 metals.


Ben and sam's crystals

Our undergraduate research student Sam and graduate student Chris grew some more beautiful crystals. Some of the crystals are up to cm long!

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Avery's crystals

Our undergraduate research student Avery grew some more beautiful crystals. Way to go, Avery!


Thanksgiving dinner (November 2017)

We celebrated thanksgiving by eating a lot of chicken wings. Some were a bit too spicy to finish, though.


Avery's crystals

Our undergraduate research student Avery grew some beautiful crystals this summer.


THE CAS new faculty reception (August 2017)

Bayram attended the CAS New Faculty Reception as a special guest for receiving the Powe Award. It was a fun meeting the new faculty and our Interim Dean David Wrobel.


the North American solid state chemistry conference (August 2017)

Bayram presented Rachel's research on multinary halide scintillators at the 2017 NASSCC meeting at the University of California, Santa Barbara. It was nice to meet old friends and make new friends.


the Research experience for high school students (REHSS) poster session (August 2017)

Our summer high school students interns Gavin and Bryce presented their REHSS posters on hybrid halides for scintillator applications.


Gavin is explaining how he grew large single crystals of his target hybrid compounds.


group Lunch at Louie's (June 2017)

Chicken wings, french fries, salads, sandwiches... it was fun!

rachel's crystals

Rachel grew some nice crystals using a simple solution chemistry.


the 27th Midwest Organic Solid State Chemistry Symposium (june 2017)

Rachel and Bayram traveled to Kansas State University for the MOSSCS meeting. It was great to meet organic solid state chemists in the area.











Rachel presented her work on hybrid organic-inorganic materials at the MOSSCS meeting.







the First year research experience poster session (may 2017)

Our freshman undergraduate students Dillon and Krysta presented their work at the First Year Research Experience (FYRE) poster session.


Dillon was one of the best poster awardees. Congratulations, Dillon!

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We met old friends and made new friends at the 2017 NASA Energy Symposium in Tulsa, OK.